In this tutorial, we are going to see how to create disk safes in CDP 6. x enterprise edition.
We assume that you have successfully connected to and logged in to R1Soft’s CDP 6. x Server.
- Go to the Dashboard menu and click on “Disk Safes”.
- In the top left pane under the “Disk Safes” menu, click on “Create New Disk Safe”.
- Once you click on “Create New Disk Safe” a new popup window will open.
- Here you will need to enter the following settings:
Identification:Name – Enter a name for Disk SafeAgent:Agent – Select an agent from the drop-down menu
Disk Safe Location:
Volume – Select (the) correct Volume created from the drop-down menu.
Compression Type – Select a compression Type. For example: “QuickLZ”.
Automatically add new devices
Protect Storage ConfigurationSelect both of the above options.
- Next, hit the “Create” button to proceed.
- When you hit the create button, a notification window will appear showing message “Successfully created disk safe!” Click on “OK” to finish.
That’s it!