How to create/edit scheduled tasks using SSH with a system and root user account

January 16, 2023 / Security and Backup

This guide will explain to you how to use the command line to edit/create scheduled tasks for the system and root user.

You can also find out an article on how to use SSH to reboot a Linux server.

Follow the steps for the system user account:

  1. Connect to the server through SSH with the system user account.
  2. Execute the following command to open the crontab editor:
    # crontab –e

Follow the steps for the root user account:

  1. Connect to the server through SSH with the root user account.
  2. To launch the crontab editor for a specific user, execute the following command:
    # crontab -e -u oliver
    Note: You can replace Oliver with the preferred username.
  3. Enter the cron task parameters using the syntax for cron files.
    * * * * * /bin/echo “test” > /tmp/testfile

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For articles that are more similar do visit:

How to setup a scheduled task in the Plesk control panel

How to set up cron jobs in cPanel

How to manage cron task scheduler in Plesk


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