Similar to WordPress Hosting, there is a provision for lost password retrieval functionality, you can find that on the login page where it says “forgot password”. This procedure is much simpler than the following. If you happen to have forgotten the email address that you had used at the time of Joomla installation, you can change the Email address from the cPanel PhPMyAdmin to a convenient one and retrieve your password by mailing it to yourself.
Before you proceed any further with resetting your Joomla Admin password, you must check whether you have access to your Joomla website’s database. If not, then you must forward the following procedure to anybody who has it. Before you go about making any changes to the Joomla database, we would suggest you take a backup and store it at a safe location (maybe on your local machine), this would help you avoid any future hassles in case things go wrong somewhere.
Follow the Steps :
The password is stored in the MySQL database jos_users table password field
- To reset your Joomla website password, first, log in and find the database for your website. You can do this using PhpMyAdmin. If you have multiple websites on the server, make sure to locate the database associated with the website for which you want to reset the password.
- Once in, Find the option that allows you to edit the jos_users table. It is usually preceded by your account name.
- You must Edit the entry username = “Administrator”
Steps to Reset Joomla Admin password:
In the box against the password field, you should find some alphanumeric characters. The Joomla CMS makes use of one-way encoding methodology, what it does is, it restricts users from retrieving the existing password. Its only possible to reset it using the MySQL’s in-built MD5 functionality:
UPDATE `jos_users` SET `password` = MD5( ‘new password’ ) WHERE `jos_users`.`username` = “Administrator”;
On doing this, you can easily reset your password. Now, you can try to login to your Joomla website using the new admin details.