How to send files from a local computer to a distant server

November 15, 2022 / Servers, Hosting & Email

This guide will illustrate how to send files from a local computer to a distant server. You can use the “get” command.

Follow the steps:

  1. In this article the syntax of the get command will be, as given below:
    get file.txt /RemoteDirectory
  2. To transfer the file abcd.txt, execute the following command:
    put /home/user-name/abcd.txt /root
  3. You will find the file in the remote server’s root directory.
  4. You can also try sending multiple files using the “mput” command.
    mput /home/user-name/*.txt /root
  5. This command moves all the files with the .txt extension in “/home/user-name” from the local computer to the distant “/root directory”.
  6. Remember that you must type the command put or get and press the TAB key to download and upload files using SFTP.

You can transfer files in this way from a local computer to a distant server. We sincerely hope it was simple to grasp and was very helpful to you. However, you can contact our support team and escape any problems if you run across them.

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