How to Solve “cPanel Temporary URL not working” Error

May 24, 2023 / cPanel & WHM

In this tutorial, we will explain how to fix the cPanel temporary URL not working error.

Follow the steps to resolve the error:

  1. Log into WHM.
  2. Search “Easy Apache 4” option from the Search tools”.
    Easy Apache 4
  3. From “Currently Installed Packages”, click on the “Customize” option.
    Currently Installed Packages
  4. Select “Apache Modules”, search for the “mod_riud2” and disabled it.
  5. Now, Search for the “mod_suphp”, swipe the toggle” and Install it.
  6. Click on the “Next” button.
  7. Verify the Review” section’s installation package list.
  8. Click on the Provision” button.
  9. You will see that your Provision has been completed”, and then click on the Done” button.
    Provision has been completed
  10. Find out Apache mod_userdir Tweak” from the Search tool”.
    Apache mod_userdir Tweak
  11. Untick “Enable mod_userdir Protection”.
    Enable mod_userdir Protection
  12. Tick mark the selected Account name”, and click on “Save button”.
    Account name

In this way, you can solve the cPanel Temporary URL not working error. For help get in touch with our support team.

Also Read : How to Temporarily Disable cPanel Web Hosting Security

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