How to install and configure the microsoft SQL server 2019 on the windows server

September 21, 2022 / MySQL

In this article, we will explain to you how to install Microsoft SQL Server 2019 on the Windows server. Relational database management systems (RDBMS) such as Microsoft SQL Server support a wide range of transaction processing and business intelligence applications.

SQL Server installation media:

  1. First, download the SQL server installation media from the authorized site or you can use the link given below.
  2. Run the downloaded file and select the third option “Download Media”.
    Download Media
  3. You will enter a new screen where you can select the language of your choice, the package to be downloaded, and the location where it is to be saved. Select the “Express advanced” option here.
  4. Click on the “Download” button.
    Express Advanced
  5. It will start downloading.
  6. As soon as the downloading ends, you will get a success message as shown below. Click on the “Close” button.

Install SQL Server 2019

Now, let’s install SQL Server 2019 after downloading the installation media.

  1. Double-click on the “SQLEXPADV_x64_ENU.exe” file.
    Double click
  2. It will extract itself to a sub-folder, if you want you can select any custom location for setup files. Click on the “Ok” button.
    Choose Directory
  3. The installation will execute itself and a new screen will appear.
  4. Select the first option “New SQL server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation”.
    New SQL server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation
  5. You will be redirected to a new page, where you will have to accept the terms and conditions. So, tick the box “I accept the license terms and privacy statement”. Then click on the “Next” button.
    Accept terms
  6. Again select the “Next” button.
  7. Wait until the Microsoft SQL Server 2019 processes the current operation.
  8. Click on the “Next” button.
  9. Set the “Instance Features” for Web hosting. Then click on the “Next” button.
    Instance Features
  10. Select the “Default instance” and click on the “Next” button.
    Default instance
  11. “Service Accounts” are seen. Microsoft recommends that you use a separate account for each SQL
    Service Accounts
  12. If you want you can take a custom “Collation” from the collation tab. Then click on the “Next” button.
  13. Choose the “Mixed mode” option and set the “Password” for the SA user.
    Mixed mode
  14. If you want to set a custom location for the databases and logs then you can set it from the “Data directories” tab.
    Data directories
  15. Now, the installation starts.
    installation starts
  16. Finally, you will receive a success message as shown below. Click on the “Close” button.

This way you can install Microsoft SQL Server 2019 on the Windows server.

Need to install an earlier version? Check out How to Install Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express

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