How to Create a Mailbox in cPanel

July 17, 2017 /

This article explains how to create a new mailbox using cPanel.

  1. Log into cPanel.
  2. Your cPanel account can be accessed from the below links-
    http://www.yourwebsite/cpanel or https://www.yourwebsite:2083
    Replace ‘yourwebsite’ with your domain.
  3. Click Email Accounts.
  4. Under Add email account enter the following-

    1. Email: this will be the address you would like to set up for example [email protected]. If you have multiple domains you will be able to select them from the drop-down on the right-hand side.
    2. Password:  Enter a strong password or use the Password Generator that cPanel provides (recommended).
    3. Mailbox Quota: This is the amount of space in MB that you would like the mailbox to have available. [alert]Note: 1024MB is equal to 1GB, however, there are plenty of MB to GB calculators online.[/alert]
    4. Click Create an account.
  5. Your mailbox has now been successfully created,  you can view your new mailbox settings by clicking on Set Up Mail Client.


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