How to change service plan for subscription through Plesk

May 20, 2022 / Plesk

In this tutorial, we will explain to you how to change service plan for subscription in Plesk.

To change a subscription’s service plan in Plesk-

Follow the steps:

1. Log in to Plesk.


2. Select the “Hosting Services” option.

3. Click on the “Subscriptions” sub-option.

Hosting services

4. You will enter into a new page. Select the “Subscription”.


5. Click on the “Change Plan” tab.

change service plan

6. You will be redirected to a new page where you can select the new service plan.

add ons-change service plan

7. Click on the drop-down arrow and select the new service plan.

change service plan and add ons

8. Click on the “Ok” button.

ok button

9. You will get a message that the “Selected subscriptions were successfully re-associated with service plans”.


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