How to Run Statistics for a user Manually

April 16, 2024 / How-to Guide

This guide explains how to run statistics for a user manually. By default, statistics (such as Analog, AWStats, and Webalizer) for users are processed according to a preset schedule to ensure timely completion. However, there might be instances when you require access to the data before the scheduled statistics process runs. In such cases, you can initiate a manual update.

To manually generate statistics for a user, you can follow these steps:

  1. The simplest approach is to use the command line with the following script-
    /scripts/runweblogs $USER
  2. This script will trigger a statistics update and provide you with feedback on the tasks performed and any encountered errors.
  3. Alternatively, you can process statistics through WHM by following these steps-
    1. Log in to WHM.
    2. Select the “Server Configuration” category.
    3. Click on the “Statistics Software Configuration” sub-option.
    4. Choose the user from the “Process Statistics for User” section.
    5. Click on “Go” to initiate the update.

If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact our support team. They are available round-the-clock to assist you.

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