In this article, you will find how to update Plesk to the latest version.
Let us follow the steps to update Plesk:
1. Log in to the Plesk account.
2. Select the “Tools & Settings” option from the left-hand side menu.
3. Here you will find many categories, select the “Plesk” category and click on the “Updates” option.
4. Click on the “Install or update Product” tab out of the three tabs.
5. Then select the product you want to update as shown in the image given below.
6. Click on the “Continue” button.
7. You will see the downloading of the new Plesk Installer version.
8. You will then see Plesk has been updated successfully.
This way Plesk is updated successfully. We hope now you will be able to do it easily on your own. But even though if you find any difficulty while doing so, let us know we would be glad to help you.