This guide explains how to install CloudLinux OS on a CentOS Server. Once you have your CloudLinux activation key, download and run the CloudLinux installation script. Please be aware that in order to follow the instructions below, you must have root level access to your server.
Follow the steps:
- Use SSH to log in as root user to your server.
- Get the “cldeploy” CloudLinux installation script. In the terminal or server shell, type the following command:
$ wget
- Use the following command to launch the downloaded script. The script will install LVE Manager, the Apache module, the PAM module, the CloudLinux kernel, and the command line utilities.
$ sh cldeploy -k <activation_key> # if you have activation key or $ sh cldeploy -i # if you have IP based license
- Use the following command to restart the server after the installation is finished:
$ reboot
- Confirm the CloudLinux migration. You might observe a similar message if you run the following command on your server to confirm the conversion to CloudLinux.
$ cat /etc/redhat-release CloudLinux release 7.3
Now that LVE is enabled, the CloudLinux Kernel is operating on your server.
That is it!
Check out our guide on How to Change the Server Hostname on CentOS