How to add Google maps to WordPress using embed code

September 11, 2024 / Web Hosting

This article illustrates how to add Google maps to WordPress using embed code. Adding Google Maps to your WordPress site is a great way to provide location details for your business or event.

Follow these steps to easily add Google maps to WordPress using embed code:

  1. Navigate to Google Maps and search for the location you want to display.
    search google maps
  2. Get the Embed Code:
    1. Click the “Share” button on the location’s information panel.
    2. Select the “Embed a map” tab.
    3. Copy the provided HTML code.
      embed a map
  3. Add the embed code to WordPress:
    1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
    2. Open the page or post where you want to add the map.
    3. Switch to the Text tab (if using the classic editor) or add a custom HTML block (if using the block editor).
    4. Paste the embed code you copied from Google Maps.
  4. Save or publish the post/page.
    save or publish

This way, you can add Google Maps to WordPress using embed code. If you run into any difficulty, feel free to contact our support staff at your earliest convenience.

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