How to create a cPanel package in WHM

December 28, 2021 / cPanel & WHM

This guide will help you in making a cPanel package in WHM.

Let us follow these simple steps:

1. Log in to WHM.


2. Select the “Packages” category from the left-hand side menu and click on the “Add a Package” option.


3. Write down the “Package Name”.

Package Name

4. Select the value of the “Resource”.


5. Select “Options” under “Settings”.

6. Then the theme which you want must be selected.

7.Feature list” and “Locale”.

8. Finally click on the “Add” button.

Add button

9. You will get a success message.

success message

In this way, a cPanel package can be created in WHM. We care about you and your expanding business, so we’ve put together a specific team to assist you with your issues. You can get in touch with them whenever you want.

If you are considering starting a website and are looking for affordable hosting, visit our cPanel Hosting page.

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