How to create a MySQL database using the cPanel database wizard

June 24, 2019 / MySQL

MySQL databases are a way to manage the data needed to operate your website. They are an essential requirement for many website platforms, such as WordPress and Magento.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create a new MySQL database and set up a username and Password for it using the cPanel Database Wizard.

1.Log into your cPanel account.

2. Scroll to the Databasessection and click on the MySQL databases Wizard icon.

3. In the Create a Database field, type a name for the database and then click Next Step.


4. In the next step, you will need to create a username and password for the database.

username and password

5. Type the username in the Username field.

6. Create a strong password and enter it into the Password and the Password (Again) fields. Use the Password Generator, if required.

7. When finished, click Create User.

8. In the next section, you will decide which privileges the user has.


9. If you are the website administrator and are creating the database for yourself to manage,  check the ALL PRIVILEGES box at the top of the page.

If you are creating a username for someone else, only check the privileges you wish them to have.

10. When finished, click on Next Step.

11. You have now completed the set up of the new MySQL database, created a username and password to manage it and assigned privileges to that user.

12. The final page of the Database Wizard (see below) gives you the options to carry out a range of related tasks.

Database Wizard
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