How to manage shell access from WHM

July 12, 2022 / cPanel & WHM

This article provides straightforward instructions on managing shell access through WHM.

Enabling Shell access, often known as SSH, allows you command-line access to the remote server. You can grant shell access to an unlimited number of people.

Shell access can be divided into three categories.

  1. Normal Shell: It gives a user full command-line access to their account with no restrictions.
  2. Imprisoned Shell: With a jailed shell, users can exercise administrative authority. It does, however, prohibit the execution of malicious commands.
  3. Disabled Shell: It prevents cPanel users from accessing the shell.

Using Manage Shell Access, you can enable or disable shell access.

  1. Use your root access to “Log into your WHM account”

    WHM account

  2. Select “Account Functions” from the menu.

    Account Functions

  3. Select “Manage Shell Access” from the menu.

    Manage Shell Access

  4. Manage Shell Access is a utility that allows you to give individual users different levels of shell access.

    Shell Access

    Note: You can also activate or stop shell access for all accounts at the same time. Under the shell access authority, you want to grant, click the Apply to All option.

Modify an account to manage Shell Access

  1. Choose “Account Functions” from the menu.

    Account Functions

  2. Select “Modify an Account” from the menu.

    Modify an Account

    A form will appear, containing the account’s Basic Information, Resource Limits, Privileges, and DNS Settings. You’ll be able to change your user account’s information and configure settings here.
    Note: If you have a multi-user WHM account, the Modify an Account feature will show you a list of all your cPanel accounts. To provide an account shell access, pick the user and then click the Modify button.

  3. Go to the Privileges section and check the box next to Shell Access. Then, click the “Save button”

    Privileges section

    It will give the cPanel account shell access.

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