How to repair MySQL database using WHM

April 11, 2022 / MySQL

In this article, you will find how to repair MySQL database in WHM. The tool then scans each table for errors and suggests ways to correct them.

Follow the steps to repair a MySQL database in WHM:

1. Log in to WHM.



2. Select “SQL services” from the left-hand side of the screen.

3. In that select the “Repair a MySQL Database” option.



4. You will find all the MySQL databases.

5. Select the one you wish to repair.

6. Then click on the “Repair Database” button.

Repair Database


7. You will see it starts repairing.

8. Finally you will get the “Done” message.



A progress list appears, detailing which tables have been checked as well as the outcome.

We hope you can now do it on your own without the help of an expert. But still, if you face any issues you can contact our support staff for queries. Also, don’t forget to check our latest Web Hosting plans.

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