How to Uninstall ImunifyAV using SSH

December 28, 2022 / Imunify 360

In this tutorial, we will explain how to uninstall ImunifyAV using the command line. For any reason, if the user does not want to use ImunifyAV and wants to uninstall it can read this article carefully.

We at eukhost, offer ImunifyAV in cPanel to remove malware from the server.

Let us follow the steps:

  1. To stop the ImunifyAV application, execute the following command:
    [root@thevalar ~]# systemctl stop imunify-antivirus
    [root@thevalar ~]#
  2. To download the “” installation script, to uninstall the ImunifyAV platform, run the below command:
    [root@thevalar src]# wget
  3. Execute the following command to uninstall ImunifyAV:
    [root@thevalar src]# bash –uninstall

ImunifyAV can be uninstalled using the command line in this manner. I hope this will be helpful to you. You can always count on our technical support team for assistance. All you need to do is raise a ticket, engage in live chat, or call directly.


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