In this article, we will explain how to use the index manager in cPanel.
Follow these steps to use the index manager in cPanel:
- Log in to your “cPanel Account”.
- Search for “Adavanced” section, click on the “Indexes”.
- To choose a “Directory”, click its name or icon. Click “Edit” next to the proper directory once you’ve arrived there.
- If you see, there are four indexing settings for all directories:
Inherit: Uses the parent directory’s settings. If the parent directory doesn’t have any defined settings, the system defaults to showing the index.
No Indexing: No files appear if a default file is missing.
Show Filename Only: Here it will show a list of the present files if the default file is missing.
Show Filename and Description: Shows a list of files and their attributes, such as file size and file type.Now you have to Select the best option for your requirements and click on “Save”. - A green confirmation shows that the update was successfully made.
In this way, you can use the Index Manager in cPanel. For more information on cPanel, visit to our knowledge base section.