How to dismiss or undo the dismissal of the “Switch to Glass” notification

February 7, 2024 / How-to Guide

With the introduction of the Glass style in cPanel and WHM version 96, a notification was implemented at the top of the cPanel interface, inviting users to explore this new style.

Follow the steps-

  1. If you wish to dismiss the “Switch to Glass” notification for a single user, follow the command-
    uapi --user=cpdemo NVData set names=xmainNewStyleBannerDismissed xmainNewStyleBannerDismissed=1
  2. To undo the dismissal of the “Switch to Glass” notification for a single user, execute the following-
    uapi --user=cpdemo NVData set names=xmainNewStyleBannerDismissed xmainNewStyleBannerDismissed=0

    Important note- Replace “cpdemo” with your cPanel account username.

  3. Now, to dismiss the notification for all cPanel user accounts, run the below command-
    for i in $(ls /var/cpanel/users); do uapi --user=$i NVData set names=xmainNewStyleBannerDismissed xmainNewStyleBannerDismissed=1; done
  4. To undo the dismissal of the notification for all cPanel user accounts, execute the following command-
    for i in $(ls /var/cpanel/users); do uapi --user=$i NVData set names=xmainNewStyleBannerDismissed xmainNewStyleBannerDismissed=0; done

In this manner, you can dismiss or undo the dismissal of the “Switch to Glass” notification. For latest web hosting KBs, visit our KB section regularly.

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