How to flush DNS cache in windows 8 & 10

February 15, 2023 / Domain and DNS

This article explains how to flush the DNS cache in Windows 8 & 10. All invalid addresses, whether they are obsolete or have been altered, will be removed by clearing the DNS server. It is also crucial to remember that clearing the cache has no complicacy.

Follow the steps:

  1. Click on the “Start” button.
  2. Type “Run” in the search bar and the “Run” box will open up.
  3. Enter “cmd” in the Run box and press the “Enter” key.
  4. The command prompt will open. Execute the following command in it:
    C:\Users\username> ipconfig /flushdns
  5. After running, the command returns to the prompt.
  6. Now, type “exit” and press the “Enter” key. The window is closed.
  7. Then a pop-up box with the warning “…cannot end the program as it may still be running” may appear. Ignore that.
  8. Click the “End Now” button to quit, which is perfectly safe.

This way, you can flush the DNS cache in Windows 8 & 10. Reach out to our experts for any help.


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