How to synchronise all zones with all servers using WHM

April 20, 2023 / cPanel & WHM

In this article, we explain how to synchronize all zones with all servers using WHM. Before using the DNS Cluster feature in cPanel, you might want to ensure that all zone files are synchronised.

To synchronize all zones with all servers, follow the steps:

  1. Log in to WHM.
  2. Select the “DNS Functions” option.
    DNS Function
  3. Click the “Synchronise DNS Records” sub-option.
    Synchronise DNS Record
  4. You will enter a new page where you can select synchronization methods.
  5. Find the “Synchronize all zones to all servers” option and enable it by ticking the circular button.
  6. Finally, click on the “Synchronize” button.
  7. You will get a success message that the synchronization has been completed.
    success message

This way you can synchronize All Zones with All Servers Using WHM. For help do contact our support staff at your difficult moment.

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