How to whitelist an IP address in csf via WHM

August 30, 2024 / cPanel & WHM

You can whitelist IP addresses in csf either through the WHM plugin or using the command line. This guide outlines the steps to whitelist an IP address directly from WHM.

Please note that csf is not provided or installed by cPanel; it is developed and supported by ConfigServer.

Follow the systematic steps:

  1. Log in to WHM.
  2. Find the “Plugins” option and click on the “ConfigServer Security & Firewall” sub-option.
  3. Select the “csf” tab.
  4. Enter the IP address in the text box provided, succeeding “Allow IP address.”
  5. Then, click on the “Quick Allow” button.
    quick allow

This way, you will be able to whitelist an IP address in csf via WHM. For further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.

Need to manage IPs further? Discover How to Add a New IP Address in WHM

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