As businesses start getting ready for the Christmas push, the focus for the website is usually on adding seasonal products to the store, preparing your promotions and dressing up the…
Tag: SEO Tips
SEO tips for the website to build an effective SEO strategy in 2022
8 Tips to Improve Website Conversion Rates
September 20, 2023 / BusinessHow effectively your website does its job depends upon its ability to transform casual visitors into engaged customers, subscribers or avid followers. This transformation is measured using what are called…
6 Reasons Websites Rank Poorly in Search Results
September 8, 2023 / Social Media & SEOIf your website doesn’t rank well in search results, you are losing out on visitors and the sales they generate. It also leaves you relying on more expensive ways to…
SEO – What is it and Why Does Your Website Need It?
August 29, 2023 / Social Media & SEOIn the modern marketplace, a strong online presence has become vital for businesses. Having your website perform well in search engine results can be crucial in attracting more visitors to…
Is Google’s Crawl Limit Affecting Your SEO?
April 13, 2023 / Social Media & SEOAlthough its introduction was never officially announced, if you read Google’s webmaster documentation, you’ll find that Googlebot has a 15MB crawl limit when searching websites. This limit has been put…
SEO 2023: Staying Up to Date with Google
February 1, 2023 / Social Media & SEOOver the last five years, Google has dominated the search market in the UK. Its share of searches has, on average, been around 97.5%, according to Statista. This makes Google-focused…