How to transfer remote files from the server to the local system

December 1, 2022 / Servers, Hosting & Email

This tutorial will explain how to transfer remote files from the server to the local system. You will learn how to download single and multiple files.

Let us find out how to transfer remote files from the server to the local system-

  1. The syntax of the “get” command is-
    get /RemoteDirectory/filename.txt
  2. To download the file “/etc/xinetd.conf” from the remote server to your local machine enter the following command:
    get /etc/xinetd.conf
  3. After executing the above command, you will find the “xinetd.conf” file in the “/user/home” directory of your local PC.
  4. For downloading multiple files using SFTP, you can make use of the “mget” command.
  5. You can use the following command to download all files with the .conf extension in a directory called /etc to your existing working directory:
    mget /etc/*.conf
  6. After executing the above command you will find all “*.conf” files in the “/user/home” directory of your local PC.

In such a manner, the file transferring can be done.

Now, If you want to transfer files from the local machine to a remote server then take a look at our guide on How to Transfer Files from the Local Machine to the Remote Server

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