Article Submitters – Are They Worth It?

March 10, 2023 /


Finding effective ways to distribute articles and increase their visibility remains a key challenge for many content creators. An approach that has been around since the early days of the internet, is the use of article submitters. Article submitters are software tools or online platforms designed to streamline the process of article submission to various directories. However, it is advisable to understand the pros and cons of article submitters before incorporating them into your content distribution strategy. In this post, we explain what article submitters are, examine their pros and cons, and explore alternative methods for distributing content more effectively.

What are article submitters?

Article submitters are tools that simplify and automate the process of submitting articles to multiple directories or platforms. They aim to save time and effort for authors by centralising the submission process and eliminating the need to manually submit each article individually. With an article submitter, authors can typically input article details such as title, body, author bio and keywords, and the tool will distribute the content to a predetermined list of article directories or websites.

Pros of using article submitters

One of the key benefits of using an article submitter is to save time. This is because you can submit articles across several platforms in one go and eliminate the need for multiple manual submissions and onerous form filling. Indeed, most article submitters often include features like autofill, category selection and submission status tracking, further streamlining the submission process.

The ability to make multiple submissions also provides a second benefit, in that it enables you to distribute articles to various directories and, potentially, helps you reach a wider audience and increases the visibility of your content.

From an off-site SEO perspective, article submitters can help website owners find more backlink opportunities. As some article directories allow authors to include backlinks within their articles, this can help improve website authority and page rank, driving more traffic to your website.

Cons of using article submitters

One of the major concerns you need to consider is quality control. Article submitters may distribute your content to directories with varying quality standards, potentially leading to its publication on low-quality or spammy websites, which can harm your reputation. Even worse, if the article contains a backlink, then having it pointing to your site from a less reputable website could harm your ability to rank well in search results.

Domain Name

There are also concerns over duplicate content. Many article directories have become less valuable in terms of SEO due to their potentially causing duplicate content issues. Using article submitters without proper article spinning or customisation may result in the distribution of identical content across multiple platforms. This can have a very negative effect on search engine rankings – especially if the same content is also published on your own website.

Better alternatives to article submitters

While once commonly used to distribute content, the popularity and effectiveness of article directories have diminished over time, as search engines have prioritised high-quality, original content. As a result, the impact of article submitters on SEO and content visibility has decreased significantly. There are, however, several much more effective alternatives that you can use.

One of the most popular alternatives is to write guest posts. Collaborating with reputable websites or blogs through guest posting allows you to share your expertise with a relevant audience while building valuable backlinks and enhancing your online presence. It is important, though, to make sure you contribute to sites and blogs that are relevant to your niche.

Another option is to develop content partnerships. Building relationships with influential websites or industry-specific platforms can provide opportunities for content distribution through sponsored articles, co-authored pieces or content syndication, which again, ensures exposure to a targeted audience.

Today, it is easier than ever to distribute content via social media. As a result, you can share your articles directly with your followers and, at the same time, take part in conversations around your content to further engage your audience. This can generate organic traffic and facilitate brand loyalty.

A final way to disseminate content is via email. Establishing an email newsletter or subscription list enables you to directly communicate with interested readers, share your articles and drive traffic to your website.


While article submitters can save time and increase the reach of your articles, their limitations and diminishing relevance need to be considered. Quality control, duplicate content concerns and changing search engine algorithms all make it important to explore better alternatives. By adopting the alternatives mentioned above, you can ensure your articles reach the right audience, maintain quality control and adapt to the changing landscape of online content distribution.

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  • Arjun Shinde

    I'm an experienced digital marketer with expertise in planning, SEO, SEM, and social media. I'm good at creating engaging content and optimising campaigns for a strong online presence.


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