How to enable symlink protection through WHM

November 7, 2023 / cPanel & WHM

In this article, we will explain how to enable symlink protection through WHM.

Symlink protection is a security measure that guards against symlink attacks by validating file permissions and ownership during operations.

Follow these steps :

  1. Log into your WHM as a root account.
    Login to WHM
  2. Search for “Service Configuration”.
    Service Configuration
  3. Click on “Apache Configuration”
    Apache Configuration
  4. Now, select “Global Configuration”
    Global Configuration
  5. Navigate to the Symlink Protection setting and select the “On” option by clicking the radio button.
    Enable Symlink Protection
  6. Select “Save” to confirm and save the configuration.

In this way, you can enable symlink protection through WHM. For more information on WHM, visit our knowledge base section.

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