How to Start, Stop and Restart IIS 7.0 on Server (Complete Guide)

April 15, 2011 / Virtual Server

Every running worker processes that makes use of the IIS application pool are stopped when you shutdown the Application Pool. This is mainly because the WAS-Windows Process Activation too is stopped. But when you restart the Windows Process Activation, you need to manually restart the worker processes as well. When trying to access any of the applications that are routed to the application pool generates an error such as “503 Service Unavailable

How to start or stop the IIS7 application pool ?

There are four ways to go about Starting or Stopping the IIS 7.0 application pool ie. :

  1. Making use of the User Interface;
  2. Through command prompt using the Appcmd.exe commands
  3. By making changes to the configuration files or
  4. Creating WMI scripts

Start or Stop IIS application pool via. User Interface

Step a – Access the IIS Manager

Step b – Go to Connections

Step c – Maximize the server node and hit Application Pools

Step d – Choose the application pool that you intend to Start or Stop

Step e –Depending on the action you wish to take, there you can Start or Stop the application pool.

Start or Stop IIS application pool via. Command Line Interface

You must follow the below commands to start an application pool:

appcmd start apppool / application pool

Then HitEnter key on your keyboard

Note: Replace ‘application pool‘ with the name of the application pool you wish to Start.

The following would help you to Stop the intended application pool :

appcmd stop apppool / application pool

Then Hit Enter key on your keyboard

Note: Replace ‘application pool‘ with the name of the application pool you wish to Stop.

How to Start or Stop the IIS7 Management Service ?

The management services aren’t started by default upon accessing the IIS Manager. Server administrators need to start it first inorder to enable the below capabilities:

1. Local management for users that are allowed to get connected to the  sites and applications.

2. Remote management for server admin’s and the users that are allowed to connect to the sites and applications.

There is a chance where you would probably need to Restart the management services for making the changes. Upon stopping the management service, every user who is connected to it are disconnected. Unless you restart the service, no new connection can be established.

Start or Stop IIS7 Management Service via. User Interface

Step a – Access the IIS Manager

Step b – Go to Connection and hit the Server Node

Step c– Go to the ‘Features View‘ and double click the Management Service

Step d – Here you can perform the Action either to Start or Stop the Management Service

Start or Stop IIS7 Management Service via. Command Line Interface

Step a – Hit Start andRun

Step b – Enter the following commands in the dialog box, and Hit the Enter button:

net start wmsvc

net stop wmsvc

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