How to Add a User to a MySQL Database

January 5, 2023 / MySQL

This guide explains how to add a user to a MySQL database. The most extensively used open-source relational database, MySQL is used as the main relational data storage for numerous well-known websites, programmes, and commercial goods.

Let us follow the steps:

  1. Log in to your cPanel account.
  2. Select the “Databases” category, then click on the “MySQL Database” option.
    Mysql databases

  3. Find the “Add User To Database” option and fill in the information.
  4. Add the “User” and “Database” and click on the “Add” button.
    add user to database
  5. You will enter a new “Manage User Privileges” page.
  6. You can select the privileges here. It’s acceptable to select “All privileges” for the majority of applications.
    set all privillages
  7. Click on the “Make Changes” button.
    make changes
  8. You will get a success message as shown below.

This way you can add a user to a MySQL database.

Once you’ve added a user to a MySQL database, it’s important to know how to change the user’s password as needed. For an easy process, take a look at our guide on How to Change MySQL Database User Password from cPanel. This additional information will help you in managing your MySQL users effectively.

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