How to add user accounts in Plesk

April 25, 2022 / Plesk

The following article will explain to you how to add user accounts in Plesk. This account is used to access Plesk and the procedures for which the hosting provider has granted permissions are available to you.

Follow the steps as discussed below to add user account in Plesk:

1) Log in to Plesk.


2) Select the “User” option from the side menu.


3) You will enter a new page.

4) Click on the “Create User Account” option.

User Account

5) Now, a form will appear asking for some “General Information”.

6) Enter the “Contact Name”.

Contact Name

7) Enter the “Email address”.

Email address

8) Enter the “External Email Address”. It Will be used for resetting your password if you lose access to the primary email address.

External Email Address

9) Select the “User Role”.

User Role

10) Select the “Access to Subscriptions”. Allow consumers to access just one subscription at a time. The “All” value gives them access to all of your hosting account’s subscribers.

Access to Subscriptions

11) Now comes the “Plesk Preferences” details.

12) Enter the “Username”.


13) Generate the password or type of your choice. Confirm it again.

Generate the password


14) Select “Plesk language”.

Plesk language

15) Tick in the “User is active” checkbox.

User is active

16) Finally click on the “Ok” button.


17) You can see the account added to the list now.

account added

In this way the User Account will be created in Plesk. Our experts are always ready to help you out. You can contact them anytime. For more detail about eukhost web hosting plans, visit the website and initate a live chat.

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