How to enable/disable the cPanel analytics feature at server level

March 1, 2022 / cPanel & WHM

The steps in the following article will show you how to enable or disable cPanel Analytics at the server level. This cPanel Analytics tool tracks how users cooperate with the cPanel and WHM interfaces. It also gathers information on how hosting companies set up their servers.

Follow the steps to enable or disable the cPanel Analytics feature at the account level:

  1. Log in to the WHM.
    whm login
  2. Select the “Server Configuration” option from the left-hand side of the screen and click on the “Configure cPanel Analytics” option.
    Configure cPanel Analytics
  3. Then, to enable the option, slide the switch to the right side, and vice versa to disable it.
    a) Disabled slide switch.
    disableb) Enabled slide switch.
  4. When you enable “Interface Analytics”, as illustrated in the figure below, you can collect the following types of data.
    Interface Analytics

This way you can easily enable and disable the cPanel Analytics feature.

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