How to Modify Apache and Nginx Settings in Plesk

June 17, 2022 / Plesk

This guide will explain to you how to modify Apache and Nginx settings in Plesk. Nginx and Apache are common web servers that help to deliver web pages to the browser of users.

To change Apache and Nginx settings, follow the steps:

1) Log in to Plesk.


2) Click on the “Websites & Domains” option.


3) You will enter a new page where you can change the settings.

4) The settings are classified as follows:

1. Common Apache settings


2. Additional Apache Directives

Additional Apache

3. Nginx settings

Nginx settings

4. Additional Nginx directive

Additional Nginx directive

5) You can change the settings as per your requirement.

6) You can either set it to “Default” or “Enter Custom Value”.

7) Finally click on the “Ok” button.


8) You will get a success message that the settings were successfully updated.


This way you can easily modify Apache and Nginx settings in Plesk. For more updates, you can anytime visit our KB section. Also, do check our web hosting plans today.

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